Tuesday 25 February 2014

Group 1 Day 3

Group one had a bang tidy day on the snow, in the beautiful weather. Everyone is feeling very proud at tackling the Plan-du-Fou, learning lots of new skills on and off the slopes. We've had a few falls but everyone has come away smiling! Had a couple of 'interesting' incidents, including Cameron sliding down a slope head first, but he was fine, and we've all had a fantastic day. The Swiss armed forces were called to arms when Sophia got in the lift, but felt confused as to which button to press. In the meantime, a Swiss man called Uri was stressing about being late for work. Sophia, calm and controlled as ever, pressed the alarm on the first attempt, but kept a cool head and on the second attempt pressed the emergency help button, calling the emergency services to the lift, succeeding in losing Uri his job, and damaging the Swiss economy.

Photographs from Tom Kynaston.

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