Thursday 27 February 2014

Monsieur Bump nominations for day 5

The nominations for day 5 were:
Sean - for intimidating a big Swiss guy, who tried to push-in, with his 'look' in the lunch queue.
Mr Taylor - for speaking in a derogatory manner about little 5 year old ski-school pupils after he'd been stuck behind them coming down the slopes. He is now known as Mr Potty mouth.
Matthew Reynolds - for falling off the button lifft in front of a huge crowd who had been queing for an hour for the lift to work. He arrived at the top of the lift to a cheering crowd. 
Instructor Reno - for falling on the flattest part of the nursery slope and slipping down a ditch.
Dual nomination, Niamh Galton and Phoebe Evans - for trying to get on the T bar and failing miserably, causing Frau Green and another pupil to also fall off.
Sam John - for falling face first off the chair lift.
Instructor Rhodri - for leading the pupils down a woodland off piste, knocking a small child over on his way and causing a pupil pile-up.

And after a tense clapathon the winner was...

Matthew Reynolds!

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